The MHD series from Motovario consists of parallel helical and bevel helical gear reducers of up to 4 reductions stages, and are designed for continuous, critical and arduous applications. The series is available in 10 sizes with nominal performance from 9000 to 110,000Nm, picking up where the HSB series of products leave off.
The MHD series is particularly suited to heavy duty conveyors, mills and crushers, mixers, reciprocating pumps, condensers, stirrers, rotary presses and pelletising machines.
These robust gearboxes are suitable for industries that require high torque and power, such as mining, construction, and heavy manufacturing.
Assess your application’s torque, speed, and power requirements, and consult with a Motovario expert to determine the appropriate gearbox for your specific needs.
Regular inspections, proper lubrication, and timely replacement of worn components are essential for ensuring the performance and longevity of a medium heavy-duty gearbox.
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Betech 100pt Ltd
Four Square Buildings, Thomas Street, Heckmondwike,
West Yorkshire WF16 0LS
Registered in England No. 240 4937
VAT No. 461 3067 67
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